1. Knowledge Base
  2. Advanced App Configuration
  3. Advanced Configuration for Model Audit App

Shared Coordinate Compatibility Check

How to check Shared Coordinates with Model Audit App

In Revit, Shared Coordinates are viewed as 'compatible' if they have a common ancestor model.


Best-practice BIM demands that the team is offered a control model, from which they Acquire Coordinates.


To check this has happened, please follow these steps:

  1. Open your Federated model

  2. For maximum safety, select Revit Links individually and set their position as 'Not Shared'

  3. Select the desired control model and Acquire Coordinates from it

  4. Ensure all models you want to Audit are linked to the Federated model

  5. Run a Deep Space Sync and tick all models you want to audit for Shared Coordinates. Note - Site Compatibility checks happen at the beginning of sync cycle, so technically you can cancel sync operation once the site compatibility data is collected.

  6. Refresh the Model Audit Dashboard

  7. View Results as shown below

Model Audit



                                                          Choose the FED model