Running Project Automations

Automations that can be run at the project scope

DS Command provides access to Project Automations.

These are found by clicking on the Project, then Project Automations:

These are listed below:

  • Load-Family-List
    When running a Family Content Audit with Deep Space, you use this automation to populate the project family list that is then used for cross checking the Family Audit Dashboard.

  • Load-Specific-MPDT-for-this-Project
    First, you load the MPDT data for a project into `auto_load_mpdt` table using Excel Connector.

    Then, immediately run this project automation script to connect all the data to the LOI Dashboard

  • Make-Teams-From-File-Disciplines
    This will use the File Discipline property to build teams and allocate Source Files to them

  • Set-Team-From-Filename
    Often, the filename and the Team Abbreviation contain a multiple digit code that can be used to link them. This script uses such a code to automatically set the Teams based on the Filename.

    Prerequisites: 1) you have added SourceFiles to your project, 2) you have added Teams to your project

    How to Use:
    Set int_var_one to the first digit location (number of characters from the start)
    Set int_var_two to the length of the team abbrevation code


  • Load-MPDT-Template
    This will load the LOI MPDT requirements from the Workspace MPDT Template
    Note - you need to set int_var_one to 1 when running this automation

  • FixTeams
    This will create a Default Team and assign all files to that Team

  • Make-DeepSpace-Teams-From-Revizto
    This will use Revizto User Data to Build Deep Space Teams