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  2. Advanced App Configuration
  3. Advanced Configuration for Model Audit App

Model Audit - Advanced Configuration

Advanced settings for the Model Audit dashboard module

The Audit system is based on weightings, that operate in a hierarchy:

  • Global Weightings for Criteria
    can be overridden by...

  • Workspace Weightings for Criteria
    can be overridden by...

  • Project Weightings for Criteria

Defining Workspace Weightings

  1. Navigate to Auditing -> Audit Weightings for Workspace

  2. Create a new Record and ensure that you set Audit Category and Weighting


Defining Project Weighting Overrides

  1. Navigate to Auditing -> Audit Weightings for Project

  2. Create a new Record and ensure that you set Audit Category and Weighting

Using BIM Protocols

You can specify the following BIM protocols that will affect the Model Audit dashboard:

  • Revit Version: usually set to the year only, like 2022, 2023 etc
  • Check Level Elevation Only (ignoring the level name in auditing). Also referred to as "Use Simplified Elevation" on the dashboard.

    Acceptable value is: "Yes"

  • Grid Intersection Rounding (number of decimal points)

Grid Intersection Rounding

Enter number of digits to which you want to round. A negative value rounds digits to the left of the decimal point; a value of zero rounds to the nearest integer.

-1 = round to nearest 10mm

0 = round to nearest whole number

1 = round to 1 decimal point


Setting up Filename Checking

Refer to this article for more detail on the Filename Auditing module.


Filename Checking can be configured directly in DS Command.

  1. Use the BIM Wizard

  2. Access the "Filenames" configuration page

  3. Set your delimiting character

  4. Set the number of Parts

  5. Save the Record

  6. Then you can begin customising the individual Parts of filenames.